Wacom vs Huion: Which Drawing Tablet is Better for Digital Artists

June 10, 2022


Digital art has overtaken conventional art. With the need to make the transition from traditional to digital art, a reliable drawing tablet is a must-have. Wacom and Huion are both top-of-the-range drawing tablets in the market, and often people ask which one is better. In this post, we will discuss the features, price, and customer feedback of both drawing tablets to determine which one is better suited for different needs.


The Wacom drawing tablet is known for its pressure sensitivity, which ranges from 8192 levels for sensitive touch to a tilt recognition feature. Additionally, the Wacom tablet has eight customizable buttons, which can be programmed to commands so as to quicken one's workflow.

The Huion drawing tablet also boasts of 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity, but it has a larger working area to accommodate larger canvases. Huion also includes a tilt recognition feature like the Wacom, although there is a notable lack of customizable keys on the tablet.

While both tablets offer similar pressure sensitivity, the Huion drawing tablet is superior for those who require a larger working area. However, for those with simpler working requirements, Wacom's customizable keys could be more useful.


Price plays a critical role in helping one decide which brand of drawing tablet to purchase. Wacom tablets are generally more expensive than the Huion brand. For instance, the Wacom One Creative Pen Display costs around $400-$500, while the most costly Huion drawing tablet costs around $400.

In general, Huion Tablets offer better value for your money compared to Wacom tablets. But we highly advise the reader to examine which features they need in a drawing tablet before making a purchasing decision, as more advanced features may mean a higher price tag, regardless of the brand.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is an essential aspect that is often overlooked when purchasing a drawing tablet. On Amazon, both Wacom and Huion have fair ratings, with Wacom having a 4.4-star rating, while Huion has a 4.3-star rating.

However, some specific customer reviews show that some Huion models have issues with driver or software compatibility with some software applications. On the other hand, some Wacom models have had issues with their pen or display.

It's essential to take note of the customer feedback and our comparison post to make a decision regarding which brand best fits your working requirements.


Both Wacom and Huion drawing tablets are great technology advancements in the digital art age. They are both reliable and offer 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity, and can digitally shop artwork. Wacom is a fantastic option for those who require customizable buttons, while the Huion is suited to those who work with larger canvases. Price is also essential, where the Huion brand presents a better value option compared to Wacom. In sum, examine which features you need and the customer feedback to find the drawing tablet that best fits your needs.


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